1.Today, FPGAs are often the heart of the system , being designed into mainstream as well as state-of the-art high-volume products.
2.You cannot control when the wind blows, and there is a strong need for large, high-volume energy storage to accompany the wind farms.
3."Bringing high-volume electronics assembly back to the U. S. is not the path to 'good jobs' or economic growth, " they wrote.
4.I mentioned earlier that the game is likely to be a high-volume, highly dynamic part of your environment.
5.Given the high-volume nature of this product, scalability was a big driver in the application architecture.
6.For high-volume applications, the server processes need to be highly available and able to pull messages from the queue rapidly.
7.It has attracted a dynamic and robust community of adopters who already use it in a variety of high-volume enterprise environments.
8.First, these services can only process a limited number of feed items per day so the transformation may not work with high-volume feeds.
9.Sun claims a "high-volume distribution of Java" , but on the desktop the versions that people have installed are all over the place.
10.This scenario is usually not associated with a high-volume event.